Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Overwelming gratitude

Today I'm so thankful for what I have and the things I've been given. God's blessings are so evident.

Fall is my favorite season and because of years of school and teaching it reminds me to take stock of all I have, organize anew and prepare for the year.  It is more motivating to me than New Year's or Spring cleaning. :)

I love my town: small streets, each with a sidewalk with fall leaves floating down from the trees above.  love!

My kid's sweet teachers: helping me to raise them giving me sweet reprieve and a time for renewing.
My home and all that fills it:  No nonsense things that never go out of style like cast iron frying pans and old fashioned arm chairs I found and fixed up.

My dear children:  I love checking on them at night; seeing their beautiful angel faces and having that sweet time to pray for them and remember that everything is going to be OK, no matter how hard the day may have been.

 My sweet husband: and his patience for me.  That guy knows me and all my crap, and still loves me, how can it be?

New blogs to start again fresh.  I hope to be an encouragement here to love what you have, live how you need to and realize that not "everyone is doing it" and that the "Jones'" don't matter. 

A joyous day to you!


  1. I'm thankful you are still writing! Miss you! Glad to have this way to keep in touch.

  2. I love your "new blog"... a time to change as your life has changed in such a drastic way... leaving Ca. to a very small town in Iowa. It seems to be a great fit for you. I am truly thankful!! I love that you prefer to spend money on vacations, trips, family memories instead of things you throw away. I wish I was more like that because sometimes I'm so tired I want "easy". However, time with you and family is always at the top of my list of my "wants". I love you sweetheart!! Mom

  3. I like this fresh new blog. I think it will reflect where you are now and what is important to you. I am anxious to read about your new discoveries of ways to choose what is important and filter out what is not. Love You1 Kerri

  4. I love you. And I love your new blog. I missssssssss you!!!!!!!

  5. from tundra mom to midwest hottie! :) love the blog! ♥♥♥
