Thursday, November 13, 2014

Frugal GAPS? a start towards health

Our family is setting ahead on the GAPS diet.  I read the book three weeks ago, saw a nutritionist to discuss this diet and children, and began slowly implementing the diet this week.  

My goal has been to remove sugar this week and I have been able to do that! 

The ingredients are costly and difficult to begin.   I decided to use a menu from my pantry and eat that food instead of shopping that week.  

That left $100 to start the diet.  
$30 for 4# almond flour
$18 for 5# organic coconut flour
$25 for 54 oz EV coconut oil
$7 for raw honey
I bought probiotics too.

The next week I spent $100 on veggies, fruits, eggs, organic dairy and fish.  We continued eating the frozen meats on hand.  

Having the flours and healthy fats on hand, made it possible to ease into the diet with basic baked goods as treats like pancakes with almond flour and cookies with coconut flour. 

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